Les Zaventures d'Alex dans les Zeuropes


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UK et Irlande
Europe Centrale

Second year in France

Student housing

Chì invited me to the chinese (vietnamese) new year.
Sebastian and Eva came to my place to drink pastis. DOes it make them French? no, they're still german.
Quebec patriotism.

Ok, I look stupid, no need to tell me.

The Quebecois of the studenthousing eating poutine.
Nadege, me and Corinne in the Fontainebleau forest.
in a bar in Paris.
Our favorite place, a Quebecois cafe. Expensive, but they serve Quebec beer, and sugar pie. Plus a singer sometimes play Quebec music.
Ben and Frank, proud of their new phones, while Magalie laugh at them.
We're all clowns
Frank shows us his talents in creps throwing
Poutine's presentation

Fin du bacc

The LAST test..
the champagne of the end
The cap went up to the roof of the school
An happy class
same day in restaurant


Blois castle
Carnac, in Brittany
In Quiberon, a show of Tri Yann, a great Britton group
Went back to Brittany, with colleagues this time
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  Email : zeuropesNOSPAM@free.fr